Advent/Christmas Happenings
The Star: A Journey to Christmas
St Mark's invites you to journey with us through the season of Christmas, known as Advent. This year we are exploring the journey we take Christmas, much like the wise men followed a start to journey to Jesus. Each week we highlight a Theme and a Key word and have a video clip too. There will be coloring pages and additional items for our children plus a family movie night and a two week countdown to Christmas devotional challenge as we follow the light.
We invite you to slow down, enjoy the adventure and take it in. Enjoy the sights, sounds and tastes too and give thanks to God for them all and the people around you.
Join us for worship Christmas Eve as we celebrate the birth of Jesus in sights, songs, and a message. We gather at 4:30Pm and will include a time of candlelighting and a special gift for the children.
May You follow the star to Jesus as you journey this Advent and Christmas season.
Merry Christmas,
Pastor Jim Mericle

"The Wise Men" by He Qi (used with permission)

December 24th -Christmas Eve Worship: A Journey to Christmas
Family Christmas Eve Worship with Candle lighting at 4:30 pm
December 25th - MERRY CHRISTMAS
December 29th-Christmas: The Journey Continues
Worship at 10am with Special Music
Happy New Year!
January 5 - Christmas 2: A New Beginning