Youth Ministry

The teen years are a time of asking questions, exploring a relationship with Jesus Christ, finding a purpose, making friends and making a difference in the world!
We are excited to be developing ministry to our Students with their imput.  Look for new developments in  the near future.  Currently, we offer Confirmation: A time learning and exploring faith for 7th grade and older,  a Youth Group Every other Friday for 6th grade and older  and  a Senior High Ministry that meets monthly  and  will attend a National Youth Gathering or Mission Trip in the Summer of 2022.

Growing together.

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

Youth Ministry Gatherings

JR HIGH Youth Group - 3:30 to 5:00 pm
Meets Every Other Friday, starting September 1
Plus Special Events Monthly

This group gathers to have fun, learn, bond, serve  and give thanks to God.   It is lead by our Youth Director, Melissa Magdalano and assisted by Pastor Jim Mericle.


This is a time to  explore the basic beliefs of the Christian faith along with the Old and New Testaments over 2 years.  Open to 7th graders and older.  At the end of the two years, students are invited to make an Affirmation of their Faith and are received as Adult members of the congregation.
Confirmation will meet for 4 retreats throughout the year and meets with youth from Christ Lutheran in West Covina and Rock of the Foothills Lutheran in La Verne.  It will also include regular attendence at worship, sermon notes, worship service and a faith statement paper.
For more information, contact Pastor Jim Mericle.

Senior High Youth

Senior High youth meet periodically throughout the year. In 2024, youth will be attending a National Youth Gathering in New Orleans in July.   For more information, Contact Pastor Jim Mericle at

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

Youth group interest

 Fill out the form below to express interest