We are All in the Same Boat
God, in His mercy, sent a huge fish to swallow him and keep him safe within its belly for three days and three nights. It was inside of the fish that Jonah recognized God was his only means of rescue. Without God, Jonah was doomed. Ironically, Jonah did not see the need for people (other than Jews) to have a salvation experience with Yahweh. Though he understood that God had rescued him, it did not translate to a sense of sorrow or remorse on his part, only gratitude for his personal fortune. Eventually, the fish spit Jonah onto dry land, which gave him a chance to respond correctly to God’s initial command. God is a God of second, third, and fourth chances—not just for Jonah and the Israelites. The same opportunity for repentance and redirection is available to everyone.
Communion is also served so have bread/crackers and wine/juice ready.