Wandering Heart Mar 31 Easter - He is Risen!

Mar 31, 2024

Take a few minutes each day to spend time with God in reflection and prayer for Lent as part of our Wandering Heart: Figuring out Faith with Peter series.

Theme: And I Hope

Centering practice - Center yourself in darkness and light. Light a candle. Honor the darkness and see how the light shines

Question - Peter runs to the empty tomb (Lk. 24:1-12). What are you running toward?

Prayer -  God of the garden, just as Peter ran toward you on that Easter morning, I too am running. I am running toward a stronger sense of self. I am running toward my call. I am running toward deeper relationships and deeper faith. I am running into the arms of love. Like Peter, I run toward you. Wait for me. I am on my way. Amen.