Wandering Heart Mar 20
Take a few minutes each day to spend time with God in reflection and prayer for Lent as part of our Wandering Heart: Figuring out Faith with Peter series.
Theme: Teach Me
Centering practice - Center yourself through journaling. Spend a few minutes writing about the joys and concerns on your heart.
Question - Who in your life models healthy curiosity? What can you learn from them?
Prayer - Jesus, you are our original teacher. Over and over again, you inspired curiosity, empathy, and compassion in your disciples. Just as the disciples learned from you, help me to learn from the wise people you have placed in my life. Open my eyes to see what they see. Soften my heart to allow for growth. Open my mind up to learn from others’ experiences—so that I am more and more like you. With hope I pray, amen.