Wandering Heart Mar 23
Take a few minutes each day to spend time with God in reflection and prayer for Lent as part of our Wandering Heart: Figuring out Faith with Peter series.
Theme: Teach Me
Centering practice - Center yourself through journaling. Spend a few minutes writing about the joys and concerns on your heart.
Question - Is there anything you need to forgive yourself for? If so, how do you find forgiveness for yourself?
Prayer - God of Grace, I am quite the work in progress. Why is it often easier to forgive someone else than it is to forgive myself? I can be quick to offer grace to my neighbor while doling out harsh words to myself. Allow me to grant myself the same grace and patience that I would grant my neighbor. May that unfurling grace be a reminder that we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves. With growing pains and constant hope I pray. Amen.